Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Die Young

Well they just said that the social security funds will run out in 2037. This is pretty shitty since I will only be 54. So what happens when I have to retire? Will I be able to retire. We all know our future looks very bleak and no one seems to be doing anything about it. So basically we are on our own. I honestly feel pretty shafted since I have been paying social security since Ive had a job and I wont see any of that when I retire. Why should I have to keep paying this money? I feel like I should be able to keep that money since it will never be paid back to me. Now I kinda wanna die young. Canada here I come!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Food For Thought

So I keep hearing about all of these endangered species and how soon none will be left for future generations to see. Well call me a moron but I figure that if we were to eat endangered species then they would never become extinct. Think about it if we eat them then there becomes a reason to breed them and make sure there are enough to go around. Call me patriotic but if the Bald Eagle is endangered then we should start eating them. It could be the new 4th of July tradition. Endangered species problem solved!