I'm not a very political person. They say vote or keep your mouth shut. Well we all know that I am a very opinionated person. I don't vote because the options always suck. Sure I don't agree with everything our current president is doing but anything is better than four more years of this Republican bullshit. But I'm just saying. I sware I need to get into politics. There are so many stupid things that can easily be fixed but we have there morons in the media that brainwash the weaker links in our society. With idiots like Bill O'Riley and jackasses like Walton & Johnson on the air it feeds the minds of the weak and blind sheep of America. Can you believe that these nimrods are actually comparing Obama to Hitler? The president says he wants gun control and all of a sudden these backwoods militia supporters start to flip out and think the world is coming to an end. Hasn't every president supported gun control? Obama wants these big business to stop paying their heads massive bonuses and pensions and all of a sudden this is Socialism? Its the American business that have ruined this economy. Its ridiculous to pay a single person that much money. Some of these executives are making more than 10 people will make in their entire life time. Everyone keeps talking about the immigrants that keep coming into America and taking up all the free health care and jobs. I still would like to know what jobs these immigrants are taking away. And lets stop beating around the bush by calling them immigrants and call them what they really are, Mexicans! If it wasn't for them who would be cooking your food? Who would be mow
ing the lawn your ass is to lazy to cut? Who would be cleaning up after us? Who would watch our children while we work or go out and party the night away? Americans use Mexicans for all that they can and then they turn around and act like the "immigrants" are a drain on the society. Wake up people this country was made by immigrants! Lets change this up a little bit and lets talk about our soldiers. God Bless our boys and girls out there fighting for our country. How about we start to give these people a little bit of respect. It pisses me off that during times of war we are all about supporting the troops but as soon as the war is over it seems like no one cares. First off, If you are a military personal but you are under the age of 21 I strongly believe you should be able to drink. I think it should be a written law that if you a legal military ID carrying individual then you should be able to drink. It makes no sense. You can go out and die for your country but you can't drink up until your 21. I know that's a small thing in a pond of problems but I think it should at least be stated. Secondly, a large majority of these soldiers that are protecting this country are from the Black and Latino community. Many of these people join the military to benefit from the medical support and to assist with the financial woes of college. It really pisses me off to see these soldiers coming back from war injured and then they are denied the care they deserve. They are out there fighting a war with no end in sight or even a reason to be there but I'm not even going to go into that. All I can say is support your troops. They are out there doing what many don't have the guts to do. I know this is getting to be a long blog but there are alot of thing that need to be said. Want to talk health care? I will just say it. The American health care system is against us. The government is a huge reason the health care is the way it is. Canada and Europe both have free health care. Everyone starts their argument that they have a higher cost of living and higher taxes. All of these arguments have been shown to be untrue. America is a business country. If you aren't in the big business then you don't matter to them. It is Business that runs this country not the government. Big business floods money into the pockets of the politicians and that is what keeps this country in the shits. It is the pharmaceutical industries that pay the politicians to keep us from buying the same medications from a different country for more than half the price. Medical Practitioners like the rest of the country are money hungry people. Insurance companies pay them off to let us die. Wouldn't it make more sense to keep us alive and make more money off of us? The problems of this country will never go away. We are set in our careless greedy ways are it is near impossible to want to change. I know I will probably get emails from people telling me I should leave America if I hate it so much or some will call me a traitor to my country but guess what? Blow me! Its these people that I was talking about in the beginning. These blind fools that think our government cares about us. They listen to the media and believe everything they here. We shall go blind into this world as sheep and as lemmings we shall fall to our deaths. God Bless You America, I pray that one day you shall open your eyes and question authority.

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